Thursday, August 7, 2008

Herald of Xotli: Gems


Two-Handed Damage ***** – Red “Scything” Gems (Best - All)

Fire Damage (Magic) ****– Orange “Igneous” Gems

Natural Mana Regen ***– Blue “Replenishing” Gems

Natural Stamina Regen ***– Green “Rejuvenating” Gems

Max Stamina **** - Green “Invigorating” Gems

Strength **** - Red “Mighty” Gems

Two-Handed Edged:

Fire Damage(Magic) **** – Orange “Igneous” Gems

Melee Damage ***** - Green "Panoptic" Gems (Best - Raids)

Fatality % ****- Green “Brutal” Gems (Best 3/3 - PVP/Solo PVE)

Stamina Tap ****– Green “Enfeebling” Gems

Health Tap *** - Red “Exsanguinating” Gems

Strength ***** - Red “Mighty" Gems

Magic Damage **** - Yellow “Omnific” Gems

Gems (in order by level)

Orange: Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Chalcedony, Sunstone, Fire Agate, Padparasahsa

Blue: Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Turqouise, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Star Sapphire

Green: Chrysoprase, Malachite, Peridot, Sphene, Jade, Emerald

Red: Spinel, Jasper, Garnet, Blood Opal, Ruby, Star Ruby

Yellow: Citrine, Chrysoberyl, Sagenite, Topaz, Heliodor, Golden Beryl

In general, increasing your main sources of damage is absolutely key, this means Scything (2HE damage) and Igneous (+Fire Damage)/Ominific (+All Damage). After that try and distinguish what you need next to solve any mana/hp/stam/etc. problems that you may have, but try and stick to this list as these are without a doubt the most beneficial to us.

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